Sunday, December 9, 2018

Prose 1:WHAT I CHERISH MOST –Rt. Hon. V.S. Srinivasta Sastri

Prose 1:WHAT I CHERISH MOST –Rt. Hon. V.S. Srinivasta Sastri



INTRODUCTION: ‘What I cherish most’ is a talk delivered by Rt. Hon’ble V.S. Srinivasa Sastri on All India Radio. He is a great politician, administrator, educator and orator. In this chapter he talks about the ideals in one’s profession and defines the role of a teacher and a politician.

ROLE OF A TEACHER: He considers teaching profession as the noblest. A good teacher always be a good student. He should update himself with the latest developments in his subject. A good teacher should gather wisdom from society and should return the same to the society. He believes that those who enters the profession and feel its joy are blessed. If a person feels unhappy when he no longer teaches, then he is a real teacher. A teacher who does not pass on his knowledge is a shameful miser. In our ancient culture men and women gathered at the feet of sages seeking knowledge. It is the duty of a teacher to set up a good example in all respects to his students.

VISION OF V.S. SRINIVASA SASTRI:  All through the career of V.S. Srinivasa Sastri whether as a teacher or politician, he was inspired and guided by a noble vision. He dreamed of a United Indian people. The thought of two or more Indians made him mad. He could not bear to hear it.
According to Sastri, Professional and practice in a man’s life should be the same. One should practice what one should preach. One should not be a hypocritic in one’s life. This principle Sastri followed it throughout his life. For him ideals were very important. He practiced them without fear. According to Sastri, to achieve goal in life, one should follow Proverbs, Maxims and precepts of our elders. Sastri followed them in his life. He says, one should have faith, hope and charity in his life. These he had abundance in his life. Truth and beauty were also important to him. These values of life he practiced without fail.

AS A TEACHER: He taught his thousands of students the above mentioned ideas of life, throughout his career as a teacher. He sets an example of himself as a teacher to others. He wants a student to understand and practice these ideals throughout their life.

AS A POLITICIAN:  He practiced the principles and ideas which he taught to his thousands of students. For him politics without principles was sin. He never indulged in acquiring wealth or money. In his life he always dreamt of a United India under a United Indian people. Ashok dreamt of this One United India and One United People. Akbar and Surendranath Banerjee also dreamt the same. Ranade also enforced the same. He showed that different culture and religion were binding gradually to form one rich Indian culture. Our patriots also sacrificed their spirit and thought of one India and one Indian culture.

CONCLUSION:  Sastri taught this doctrine of ‘One United India’ and ‘One United Culture’ to thousands of his students. He hoped that our Prime Minister would speak in the name of 390 millions (at that time) with a voice and authority equal to that of Winston Churchill or Field Marshal Smuts. He trusted strongly and devoutly the ideal of United Indian Nation. This is what he cherished most.

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